**People Graph | Company Graph | Company Signals | People Signals |**
Field/attributes | Description | Example |
Contact Id | Unique identifier for the person | 16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da |
Age | The individual’s age. | 34 |
Age of File | Time in months since credit applicant was first ever reported to the bureau | 120 months |
Browser | The primary browser used by the individual, often for digital analytics. | Chrome |
Career Changes | Indicates recent career shifts or job role changes. | Recently switched from marketing to sales |
Cell Phone Number | Person's cell phone number. | +1 (555) 123-4567 |
Citizenship and Immigration | Details about an individual's citizenship status and immigration information. | U.S. citizen |
Connections | Number of connections on LinkedIn. | 500+ |
Contact Country | The country where the individual can be contacted. | Canada |
Contact Location City Details | The specific city where the individual is located. | Toronto |
Contact Location Country Code | The ISO code for the contact country. | CA |
Contact Location Region Code | The code for the contact region or state. | ON |
Contact Location State Details | The full name of the state where the individual resides. | Ontario |
Contact Location Street Details | The street address for contact purposes. | 123 Maple St. |
Contact Location Zip Code Details | Postal code of the individual’s location. | M5J 2N8 |
Country Region | Broad region or area within the individual’s country. | Eastern Canada |
Court Actions | Total number of reported Court Actions (e.g. judgments & summons) | 2 |
Court Actions Last 12 Months | Total number of reported Court Actions (e.g. judgments & summons) within the last 365 days | 1 |
Credit Score | The individual’s credit rating, often used for financial insights. | 720 |
Current Bankruptcy Status | Most recent bankruptcy status listed. | Discharged |
Current Job | The individual’s current job title and company. | Software Engineer at TechCorp |
Date of birth | The person's date of birth. | 1985-08-25 |
Device | The primary device type used by the individual. | iPhone 13 |
Education History | Educational background, such as degrees earned and institutions attended. | B.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Toronto |
Education.degree | Name of the degree the person achieved. | Bachelor of Science |
Education.ended At | Ended at date, no more precise than M/D. | 2020-05 |
Education.field | Name of the field of study. | Computer Science |
Education.school | Name of the school. | Stanford University |
Education.started At | Started at date, no more precise than M/D. | 2016-09 |
Emails.deliverable | The deliverability status of the email address. | TRUE |
End-of-life Planning | Indicators of end-of-life preparations like wills or trusts. | Created a living will in 2023 |
Estimated country of origin | Estimated country of origin of the person. | United States |
Estimated primary language | Estimated primary language of the person. | English |
Ethnicity and Race | The individual’s ethnicity and racial background. | Hispanic |
Facebook Id of Contact | The unique identifier for the individual's Facebook profile. | fb.com/johndoe |
Family Changes | Major family events like marriage or childbirth. | Welcomed a child in 2021 |
Family.estimated education level | The highest education level within the family. | Bachelor's Degree |
Family.estimated income | The estimated income of the family. | $95,000 |
Family.estimated income range | The estimated income range of the family. | $75,000 - $100,000 |
Family.home owner | The family owns their home. | TRUE |
Financial Milestones | Significant financial achievements, such as paying off a mortgage. | Paid off student loans in 2020 |
Fips Code | The FIPS code for this location. | 6075 |
First Name | The individual’s given name. | John |
Gender | The gender identity of the individual. | Female |
Github Id | The unique identifier for the individual’s GitHub profile. | github.com/janedoe |
Health and Wellness Events | Significant health or wellness-related milestones. | Completed a marathon in 2023 |
Highest Education | The highest level of education attained by the individual. | Ph.D. in Physics |
Home-related Events | Major events related to home ownership or relocation. | Bought a house in 2021 |
Home.phones | Telephone numbers associated with the family. | ["+1-123-456-7890", "+1-987-654-3210"] |
Home.postal code | The postal code for the person's address. | 94103 |
Home.state | The state of the person. | CA (California) |
Home.street | The location address of the person. | 123 Elm Street, Apt 4B |
Income Group | Income bracket classification of the individual. | $75K-$100K |
Instagram Id of Contact | The unique identifier for the individual’s Instagram profile. | @janedoe |
Interests | Area of Interest | |
View all available options | Baseball, Cars, Business | |
Ip | The IP address associated with the individual. | |
Job Function | General category of work the individual performs, like marketing or engineering. | |
View all available options | Marketing | |
Job History | Record of past job positions and employers. | Worked at XYZ Corp from 2015-2020 |
Job Level | The seniority level of the individual’s current job. | |
View all available options | Director | |
Job Role | Specific responsibilities or type of work in their current position. | |
View all available options | Data Analyst | |
Job Title | The title of the individual’s current job. | Software Engineer |
Job titles count | The total number of Job Titles associated with the contact. | 3 |
Jobs.company Tenure | The tenure of the person at this company across contiguous jobs in months. | 36 |
Jobs.duration | The duration of this particular job in months. | 24 |
Jobs.email Status | Status of their email at this job. | Active |
Jobs.ended At | Date this job ended. | 2024-12-01 |
Jobs.ended at Year Only | Indicates if the detected ended at date was a "year-only" date. | TRUE |
Jobs.is First at Company | Indicates whether this is the person's first job at this company. | FALSE |
Jobs.is Last at Company | Indicates whether this is the person's last job at this company. | TRUE |
Jobs.location | Location of this job. | New York, NY |
Jobs.location Details | Derived fields from job location. | {city: "New York", state: "NY"} |
Jobs.started At | Date the person started this job. | 2022-12-01 |
Jobs.started at Year Only | Indicates if the detected started at date was a "year-only" date. | FALSE |
Language | Languages spoken or preferred by the individual. | English, Spanish |
Last Name | The family name or surname of the individual. | Doe |
Lat | The latitude for this location, generalized. | 37.7749 |
Legal Status Changes | Updates in legal standing, such as citizenship or visa status. | Obtained U.S. citizenship in 2022 |
Lifestyle Changes | Changes in lifestyle habits or preferences. | Adopted a vegan lifestyle in 2021 |
Lifestyle Segments | Broad lifestyle category the individual falls into, such as “Urban Professional.” | Health Enthusiast |
Linkedin Id of Contact | The unique identifier for the individual’s LinkedIn profile. | linkedin.com/in/janedoe |
Locality | The normalized locality name for this location. | San Francisco |
Location | Location of this person. | San Francisco, CA |
Location Details | Derived fields from person's location. | {city: "San Francisco", state: "CA"} |
Lon | The longitude for this location, generalized. | -122.4194 |
Mapped contact id | An identifier to map the individual to entries delivered by other Data Axle products. | AXLE-00123 |
Max Limit Decrease in Last 12 Months on Revolving Accounts | Value of the highest limit decrease across Credit Card accounts over the last 12 months | $3,000 |
Max Limit Decrease in Last 6 Months on Revolving Accounts | Value of the highest limit decrease across Credit Card accounts over the last 6 months | $1,000 |
Max Limit Increase in Last 12 Months on Revolving Accounts | Value of the highest limit increase across Credit Card accounts over the last 12 months | $5,000 |
Max Limit Increase in Last 6 Months on Revolving Accounts | Value of the highest limit increase across Credit Card accounts over the last 6 months | $2,000 |
Middle Name | The individual’s middle name. | Marie |
Msa | For US locations, the standard MSA name that this location belongs to. | San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA |
Personal Achievements and Milestones | Personal accomplishments such as awards or certifications. | Published a book in 2020 |
Personal Email | The primary personal email address of the individual. | [email protected] |
Personal Phone | The individual’s primary personal phone number. | +1-555-123-4567 |
Physical Attributes | Physical characteristics like height or hair color. | 5'10'' |
Platform | The main digital platform or device used, like desktop or mobile. | Mobile |
Political Affinities | The political preferences or affiliations of the individual. | Liberal |
Prefix | The title or salutation of the individual. | Dr. |
Previous-1 Employee Count | Number of employees at the person’s previous company (most recent prior role). | 500-1000 |
Previous-1 Industry | Industry of the person’s previous company (most recent prior role). | Technology |
Previous-2 Company | Name of the second most recent company the person worked at. | Acme Corp |
Previous-2 Company Domain | Website domain of the second most recent company. | acmecorp.com |
Previous-2 Company Linkedin | LinkedIn profile URL or slug of the second most recent company. | linkedin.com/company/acme-corp |
Previous-2 Email | Professional email address used during their tenure at the second most recent company. | [email protected] |
Previous-2 Employee Count | Number of employees at the second most recent company. | 2000+ |
Previous-2 End Date | Date when the person left their second most recent company. | 44531 |
Previous-2 Function | Functional area of the role at the second most recent company (e.g., Engineering, Marketing). | Engineering |
Previous-2 Industry | Industry of the second most recent company. | Financial Services |
Previous-2 Job Title | Job title held by the person at their second most recent company. | Senior Software Engineer |
Previous-2 Level | Seniority level of the role at the second most recent company (e.g., Manager, Director). | Individual Contributor |
Previous-2 Start Date | Date when the person started working at their second most recent company. | 43617 |
Professional Achievements and Milestones | Major career accomplishments like promotions or recognitions. | Promoted to VP in 2021 |
Professional Email | The professional email address associated with the individual. | [email protected] |
Raw | The input location value from which other values were derived. | San Francisco Bay Area |
Religion | The religious affiliation or beliefs of the individual. | Hindu |
Serious Credit Infringements | Total reported number of Serious Credit Infringements (SCI). | 1 |
Skills | The individual's professional skills or areas of expertise. | Python, Data Analysis |
Time Since Earliest Reported Date of Input Address | Number of months since first report of credit applicant's address used in this current enquiry | 60 months |
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Housing Loan | Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Real Property Mortgage accounts | 365 days |
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Instalment | Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Personal Loan accounts. | 90 days |
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Revolving | Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Credit Card accounts | 180 days |
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Telco/utilities | Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Telco & Utilities accounts | 730 days |
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Total | Number of days since the most recent active defaults of any credit account types | 90 days |
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults -banking and Finance | Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Banking & Finance accounts. | 45 days |
Time Since Most Recent - Bankruptcies Act Actions (months) | Number of months since the most recent bankruptcy action was listed | 36 months |
Time Since Most Recent - Court Actions (months) | Number of months since the most recent Court Actions (e.g. judgments & summons) was listed | 24 months |
Time Since Most Recent - Serious Credit Infringements | Number of days since the most recent reported Serious Credit Infringement (SCI) | 180 days |
Travel and Relocation | Major relocations or travel activities. | Relocated to New York in 2022 |
Twitter Id of Contact | The unique identifier for the individual’s Twitter profile. | @johndoe |
Vehicle-related Events | Significant events related to vehicle ownership or leasing. | Purchased a new car in 2021 |
Accounts Closed in Last 12 Months | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 365 days. | 10 |
Accounts Closed in Last 12 Months - 3+ | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 365 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. | 6 |
Accounts Closed in Last 12 Months - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 365 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. | 8 |
Accounts Closed in Last 24 Months - 3+ | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 730 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. | 8 |
Accounts Closed in Last 24 Months - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 730 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. | 12 |
Accounts Closed in Last 3 Months | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 90 days | 5 |
Accounts Closed in Last 3 Months - 3+ | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 90 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. | 2 |
Accounts Closed in Last 3 Months - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 90 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. | 3 |
Accounts Closed in Last 36 Months | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 730 days. | 20 |
Accounts Closed in Last 6 Months | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 180 days | 8 |
Accounts Closed in Last 6 Months - 3+ | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 180 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. | 4 |
Accounts Closed in Last 6 Months - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 180 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. | 5 |
Accounts Closed in Last Month | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 30 days. | 2 |
Accounts Closed in Last Month - 3+ | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 30 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. | 1 |
Accounts Closed in Last Month - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 30 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. | 1 |
Accounts Opened in Last 12 Months - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts opened within the last 365 days and most recently reported as not in arrears | 6 |
Accounts Opened in Last 24 Months - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts opened within the last 730 days and most recently reported as not in arrears | 10 |
Accounts Opened in Last 3 Months - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts opened within the last 90 days and most recently reported as not in arrears | 2 |
Accounts Opened in Last 6 Months - up to Date | Total number of any credit accounts opened within the last 180 days and most recently reported as not in arrears | 4 |