**People Graph | Company Graph | Company Signals | People Signals |**

Field/attributes Description Example
Contact Id Unique identifier for the person 16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da
Age The individual’s age. 34
Age of File Time in months since credit applicant was first ever reported to the bureau 120 months
Browser The primary browser used by the individual, often for digital analytics. Chrome
Career Changes Indicates recent career shifts or job role changes. Recently switched from marketing to sales
Cell Phone Number Person's cell phone number. +1 (555) 123-4567
Citizenship and Immigration Details about an individual's citizenship status and immigration information. U.S. citizen
Connections Number of connections on LinkedIn. 500+
Contact Country The country where the individual can be contacted. Canada
Contact Location City Details The specific city where the individual is located. Toronto
Contact Location Country Code The ISO code for the contact country. CA
Contact Location Region Code The code for the contact region or state. ON
Contact Location State Details The full name of the state where the individual resides. Ontario
Contact Location Street Details The street address for contact purposes. 123 Maple St.
Contact Location Zip Code Details Postal code of the individual’s location. M5J 2N8
Country Region Broad region or area within the individual’s country. Eastern Canada
Court Actions Total number of reported Court Actions (e.g. judgments & summons) 2
Court Actions Last 12 Months Total number of reported Court Actions (e.g. judgments & summons) within the last 365 days 1
Credit Score The individual’s credit rating, often used for financial insights. 720
Current Bankruptcy Status Most recent bankruptcy status listed. Discharged
Current Job The individual’s current job title and company. Software Engineer at TechCorp
Date of birth The person's date of birth. 1985-08-25
Device The primary device type used by the individual. iPhone 13
Education History Educational background, such as degrees earned and institutions attended. B.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Toronto
Education.degree Name of the degree the person achieved. Bachelor of Science
Education.ended At Ended at date, no more precise than M/D. 2020-05
Education.field Name of the field of study. Computer Science
Education.school Name of the school. Stanford University
Education.started At Started at date, no more precise than M/D. 2016-09
Emails.deliverable The deliverability status of the email address. TRUE
End-of-life Planning Indicators of end-of-life preparations like wills or trusts. Created a living will in 2023
Estimated country of origin Estimated country of origin of the person. United States
Estimated primary language Estimated primary language of the person. English
Ethnicity and Race The individual’s ethnicity and racial background. Hispanic
Facebook Id of Contact The unique identifier for the individual's Facebook profile. fb.com/johndoe
Family Changes Major family events like marriage or childbirth. Welcomed a child in 2021
Family.estimated education level The highest education level within the family. Bachelor's Degree
Family.estimated income The estimated income of the family. $95,000
Family.estimated income range The estimated income range of the family. $75,000 - $100,000
Family.home owner The family owns their home. TRUE
Financial Milestones Significant financial achievements, such as paying off a mortgage. Paid off student loans in 2020
Fips Code The FIPS code for this location. 6075
First Name The individual’s given name. John
Gender The gender identity of the individual. Female
Github Id The unique identifier for the individual’s GitHub profile. github.com/janedoe
Health and Wellness Events Significant health or wellness-related milestones. Completed a marathon in 2023
Highest Education The highest level of education attained by the individual. Ph.D. in Physics
Home-related Events Major events related to home ownership or relocation. Bought a house in 2021
Home.phones Telephone numbers associated with the family. ["+1-123-456-7890", "+1-987-654-3210"]
Home.postal code The postal code for the person's address. 94103
Home.state The state of the person. CA (California)
Home.street The location address of the person. 123 Elm Street, Apt 4B
Income Group Income bracket classification of the individual. $75K-$100K
Instagram Id of Contact The unique identifier for the individual’s Instagram profile. @janedoe
Interests Area of Interest
View all available options Baseball, Cars, Business
Ip The IP address associated with the individual.
Job Function General category of work the individual performs, like marketing or engineering.
View all available options Marketing
Job History Record of past job positions and employers. Worked at XYZ Corp from 2015-2020
Job Level The seniority level of the individual’s current job.
View all available options Director
Job Role Specific responsibilities or type of work in their current position.
View all available options Data Analyst
Job Title The title of the individual’s current job. Software Engineer
Job titles count The total number of Job Titles associated with the contact. 3
Jobs.company Tenure The tenure of the person at this company across contiguous jobs in months. 36
Jobs.duration The duration of this particular job in months. 24
Jobs.email Status Status of their email at this job. Active
Jobs.ended At Date this job ended. 2024-12-01
Jobs.ended at Year Only Indicates if the detected ended at date was a "year-only" date. TRUE
Jobs.is First at Company Indicates whether this is the person's first job at this company. FALSE
Jobs.is Last at Company Indicates whether this is the person's last job at this company. TRUE
Jobs.location Location of this job. New York, NY
Jobs.location Details Derived fields from job location. {city: "New York", state: "NY"}
Jobs.started At Date the person started this job. 2022-12-01
Jobs.started at Year Only Indicates if the detected started at date was a "year-only" date. FALSE
Language Languages spoken or preferred by the individual. English, Spanish
Last Name The family name or surname of the individual. Doe
Lat The latitude for this location, generalized. 37.7749
Legal Status Changes Updates in legal standing, such as citizenship or visa status. Obtained U.S. citizenship in 2022
Lifestyle Changes Changes in lifestyle habits or preferences. Adopted a vegan lifestyle in 2021
Lifestyle Segments Broad lifestyle category the individual falls into, such as “Urban Professional.” Health Enthusiast
Linkedin Id of Contact The unique identifier for the individual’s LinkedIn profile. linkedin.com/in/janedoe
Locality The normalized locality name for this location. San Francisco
Location Location of this person. San Francisco, CA
Location Details Derived fields from person's location. {city: "San Francisco", state: "CA"}
Lon The longitude for this location, generalized. -122.4194
Mapped contact id An identifier to map the individual to entries delivered by other Data Axle products. AXLE-00123
Max Limit Decrease in Last 12 Months on Revolving Accounts Value of the highest limit decrease across Credit Card accounts over the last 12 months $3,000
Max Limit Decrease in Last 6 Months on Revolving Accounts Value of the highest limit decrease across Credit Card accounts over the last 6 months $1,000
Max Limit Increase in Last 12 Months on Revolving Accounts Value of the highest limit increase across Credit Card accounts over the last 12 months $5,000
Max Limit Increase in Last 6 Months on Revolving Accounts Value of the highest limit increase across Credit Card accounts over the last 6 months $2,000
Middle Name The individual’s middle name. Marie
Msa For US locations, the standard MSA name that this location belongs to. San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA
Personal Achievements and Milestones Personal accomplishments such as awards or certifications. Published a book in 2020
Personal Email The primary personal email address of the individual. [email protected]
Personal Phone The individual’s primary personal phone number. +1-555-123-4567
Physical Attributes Physical characteristics like height or hair color. 5'10''
Platform The main digital platform or device used, like desktop or mobile. Mobile
Political Affinities The political preferences or affiliations of the individual. Liberal
Prefix The title or salutation of the individual. Dr.
Previous-1 Employee Count Number of employees at the person’s previous company (most recent prior role). 500-1000
Previous-1 Industry Industry of the person’s previous company (most recent prior role). Technology
Previous-2 Company Name of the second most recent company the person worked at. Acme Corp
Previous-2 Company Domain Website domain of the second most recent company. acmecorp.com
Previous-2 Company Linkedin LinkedIn profile URL or slug of the second most recent company. linkedin.com/company/acme-corp
Previous-2 Email Professional email address used during their tenure at the second most recent company. [email protected]
Previous-2 Employee Count Number of employees at the second most recent company. 2000+
Previous-2 End Date Date when the person left their second most recent company. 44531
Previous-2 Function Functional area of the role at the second most recent company (e.g., Engineering, Marketing). Engineering
Previous-2 Industry Industry of the second most recent company. Financial Services
Previous-2 Job Title Job title held by the person at their second most recent company. Senior Software Engineer
Previous-2 Level Seniority level of the role at the second most recent company (e.g., Manager, Director). Individual Contributor
Previous-2 Start Date Date when the person started working at their second most recent company. 43617
Professional Achievements and Milestones Major career accomplishments like promotions or recognitions. Promoted to VP in 2021
Professional Email The professional email address associated with the individual. [email protected]
Raw The input location value from which other values were derived. San Francisco Bay Area
Religion The religious affiliation or beliefs of the individual. Hindu
Serious Credit Infringements Total reported number of Serious Credit Infringements (SCI). 1
Skills The individual's professional skills or areas of expertise. Python, Data Analysis
Time Since Earliest Reported Date of Input Address Number of months since first report of credit applicant's address used in this current enquiry 60 months
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Housing Loan Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Real Property Mortgage accounts 365 days
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Instalment Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Personal Loan accounts. 90 days
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Revolving Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Credit Card accounts 180 days
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Telco/utilities Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Telco & Utilities accounts 730 days
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults - Total Number of days since the most recent active defaults of any credit account types 90 days
Time Since Most Recent - Active Defaults -banking and Finance Number of days since the most recent active defaults of Banking & Finance accounts. 45 days
Time Since Most Recent - Bankruptcies Act Actions (months) Number of months since the most recent bankruptcy action was listed 36 months
Time Since Most Recent - Court Actions (months) Number of months since the most recent Court Actions (e.g. judgments & summons) was listed 24 months
Time Since Most Recent - Serious Credit Infringements Number of days since the most recent reported Serious Credit Infringement (SCI) 180 days
Travel and Relocation Major relocations or travel activities. Relocated to New York in 2022
Twitter Id of Contact The unique identifier for the individual’s Twitter profile. @johndoe
Vehicle-related Events Significant events related to vehicle ownership or leasing. Purchased a new car in 2021
Accounts Closed in Last 12 Months Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 365 days. 10
Accounts Closed in Last 12 Months - 3+ Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 365 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. 6
Accounts Closed in Last 12 Months - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 365 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. 8
Accounts Closed in Last 24 Months - 3+ Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 730 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. 8
Accounts Closed in Last 24 Months - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 730 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. 12
Accounts Closed in Last 3 Months Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 90 days 5
Accounts Closed in Last 3 Months - 3+ Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 90 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. 2
Accounts Closed in Last 3 Months - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 90 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. 3
Accounts Closed in Last 36 Months Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 730 days. 20
Accounts Closed in Last 6 Months Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 180 days 8
Accounts Closed in Last 6 Months - 3+ Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 180 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. 4
Accounts Closed in Last 6 Months - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 180 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. 5
Accounts Closed in Last Month Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 30 days. 2
Accounts Closed in Last Month - 3+ Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 30 days that were most recently reported as in arrears of three (3) or more missed payments. 1
Accounts Closed in Last Month - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts closed within the last 30 days that were most recently reported as not in arrears. 1
Accounts Opened in Last 12 Months - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts opened within the last 365 days and most recently reported as not in arrears 6
Accounts Opened in Last 24 Months - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts opened within the last 730 days and most recently reported as not in arrears 10
Accounts Opened in Last 3 Months - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts opened within the last 90 days and most recently reported as not in arrears 2
Accounts Opened in Last 6 Months - up to Date Total number of any credit accounts opened within the last 180 days and most recently reported as not in arrears 4

Job Function

Job Role

Job Level
